Interface ForgeModTOMLData
This file defines the metadata of your mod. Its information may be viewed by users from the main screen of the game through the Mods button. A single info file can describe several mods.
The mods.toml file is formatted as TOML, the example mods.toml file in the MDK provides comments explaining the contents of the file. It should be stored as src/main/resources/META-INF/mods.toml. A basic mods.toml, describing one mod, may look like this:
🏷️ Properties
authors: string
The authors to this mod
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:176
credits: string
A string that contains any acknowledgements you want to mention
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:172
dependencies: { mandatory: boolean; modId: string; ordering: "NONE" | "BEFORE" | "AFTER"; side: "BOTH" | "CLIENT" | "SERVER"; versionRange: string }[]
A list of dependencies of this mod
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:184
description: string
A description of this mod
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:180
displayName: string
The user - friendly name of this mod
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:156
displayURL: string
A link to the mod’s homepage
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:164
issueTrackerURL: string
A URL to refer people to when problems occur with this mod
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:196
loaderVersion: string
A version range to match for said mod loader - for regular FML
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:192
logoFile: string
The filename of the mod’s logo.It must be placed in the root resource folder, not in a subfolder
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:168
modid: string
The modid this file is linked to
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:148
modLoader: string
The name of the mod loader type to load - for regular FML
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:188
updateJSONURL: string
The URL to a version JSON
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:160
version: string
The version of the mod.It should be just numbers seperated by dots, ideally conforming to Semantic Versioning
Defined in: packages/mod-parser/forge.ts:152