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Class Handle

🏭 Constructors

constructor public

Handle(tag: number, owner: string, name: string, desc: string, itf: boolean= ...): Handle

Constructs a new field or method handle.


Return Type

  • Handle

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:93

🏷️ Properties

descriptor readonly

descriptor: string

The descriptor of the field or method designated by this handle.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:63

isInterface readonly

isInterface: boolean

Indicate if the owner is an interface or not.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:68

name readonly

name: string

The name of the field or method designated by this handle.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:58

owner readonly

owner: string

The internal name of the class that owns the field or method designated by this handle.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:53

tag readonly

tag: number

The kind of field or method designated by this Handle. Should be Opcodes#H_GETFIELD, Opcodes#H_GETSTATIC, Opcodes#H_PUTFIELD, Opcodes#H_PUTSTATIC, Opcodes#H_INVOKEVIRTUAL, Opcodes#H_INVOKESTATIC, Opcodes#H_INVOKESPECIAL, Opcodes#H_NEWINVOKESPECIAL or Opcodes#H_INVOKEINTERFACE.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:47

🔧 Methods

equals public

equals(obj: any): boolean


  • obj: any

Return Type

  • boolean

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:101

hashCode public

hashCode(): number

Return Type

  • number

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:112

toString public

toString(): string

Returns the textual representation of this handle. The textual representation is:

<pre> for a reference to a class: owner '.' name desc ' ' '(' tag ')' for a reference to an interface: owner '.' name desc ' ' '(' tag ' ' itf ')' </pre>

. As this format is unambiguous, it can be parsed if necessary.

Return Type

  • string

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Handle.ts:129