Class TypePath
🏭 Constructors
TypePath(b: Uint8Array, offset: number): TypePath
Creates a new type path.
- b:
the byte array containing the type path in Java class file format. - offset:
the offset of the first byte of the type path in 'b'.
Return Type
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:83
🏷️ Properties
buf: Uint8Array
The byte array where the path is stored, in Java class file format.
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:67
offset: number
The offset of the first byte of the type path in 'b'.
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:72
ARRAY_ELEMENT static public
ARRAY_ELEMENT: number = 0
A type path step that steps into the element type of an array type. See [#getStep getStep].
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:44
INNER_TYPE static public
INNER_TYPE: number = 1
A type path step that steps into the nested type of a class type. See [#getStep getStep].
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:50
TYPE_ARGUMENT static public
TYPE_ARGUMENT: number = 3
A type path step that steps into a type argument of a generic type. See [#getStep getStep].
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:62
WILDCARD_BOUND static public
WILDCARD_BOUND: number = 2
A type path step that steps into the bound of a wildcard type. See [#getStep getStep].
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:56
🔑 Accessors
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:94
🔧 Methods
getStep public
getStep(index: number): number
Returns the value of the given step of this path.
- index:
an index between 0 and [#getLength()], exclusive.
Return Type
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:107
getStepArgument public
getStepArgument(index: number): number
Returns the index of the type argument that the given step is stepping into. This method should only be used for steps whose value is [#TYPE_ARGUMENT TYPE_ARGUMENT].
- index:
an index between 0 and [#getLength()], exclusive.
Return Type
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:121
toString public
toString(): string
Returns a string representation of this type path. [#ARRAY_ELEMENT ARRAY_ELEMENT] steps are represented with '[', [#INNER_TYPE INNER_TYPE] steps with '.', [#WILDCARD_BOUND WILDCARD_BOUND] steps with '*' and [#TYPE_ARGUMENT TYPE_ARGUMENT] steps with their type argument index in decimal form followed by ';'.
Return Type
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:172
fromString static public
fromString(typePath: string): null | TypePath
Converts a type path in string form, in the format used by [#toString()], into a TypePath object.
- typePath:
a type path in string form, in the format used by [#toString()]. May be null or empty.
Return Type
null | TypePath
Defined in: packages/asm/libs/TypePath.ts:134