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Class Attribute

🏭 Constructors


Attribute(type: null | string): Attribute

Constructs a new empty attribute.


  • type: null | string the type of the attribute.

Return Type

  • Attribute

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:65

🏷️ Properties


next: null | Attribute = null

The next attribute in this attribute list. May be <tt>null</tt>.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:57

type public

type: null | string

The type of this attribute.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:47


value: Uint8Array

The raw value of this attribute, used only for unknown attributes.

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:52

🔧 Methods


getCount(): number

Returns the length of the attribute list that begins with this attribute.

Return Type

  • number

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:173


getLabels(): null | Label[]

Returns the labels corresponding to this attribute.

Return Type

  • null | Label[]

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:94


getSize(cw: ClassWriter, code: null | Uint8Array, len: number, maxStack: number, maxLocals: number): number

Returns the size of all the attributes in this attribute list.


  • cw: ClassWriter the class writer to be used to convert the attributes into byte arrays, with the [#write write] method.
  • code: null | Uint8Array the bytecode of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or <tt>null</tt> if these attributes are not code attributes.
  • len: number the length of the bytecode of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or <tt>null</tt> if these attributes are not code attributes.
  • maxStack: number the maximum stack size of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or -1 if these attributes are not code attributes.
  • maxLocals: number the maximum number of local variables of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or -1 if these attributes are not code attributes.

Return Type

  • number

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:208

isCodeAttribute public

isCodeAttribute(): boolean

Returns <tt>true</tt> if this type of attribute is a code attribute.

Return Type

  • boolean

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:84

isUnknown public

isUnknown(): boolean

Returns <tt>true</tt> if this type of attribute is unknown. The default implementation of this method always returns <tt>true</tt>.

Return Type

  • boolean

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:75


put(cw: ClassWriter, code: null | Uint8Array, len: number, maxStack: number, maxLocals: number, out: ByteVector): void

Writes all the attributes of this attribute list in the given byte vector.


  • cw: ClassWriter the class writer to be used to convert the attributes into byte arrays, with the [#write write] method.
  • code: null | Uint8Array the bytecode of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or <tt>null</tt> if these attributes are not code attributes.
  • len: number the length of the bytecode of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or <tt>null</tt> if these attributes are not code attributes.
  • maxStack: number the maximum stack size of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or -1 if these attributes are not code attributes.
  • maxLocals: number the maximum number of local variables of the method corresponding to these code attributes, or -1 if these attributes are not code attributes.
  • out: ByteVector where the attributes must be written.

Return Type

  • void

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:246


read(cr: ClassReader, off: number, len: number, buf: null | number[], codeOff: number, labels: null | Label[]): Attribute

Reads a [#type type] attribute. This method must return a <i>new</i> Attribute object, of type [#type type], corresponding to the <tt>len</tt> bytes starting at the given offset, in the given class reader.


  • cr: ClassReader the class that contains the attribute to be read.
  • off: number index of the first byte of the attribute's content in [ClassReader#b cr.b]. The 6 attribute header bytes, containing the type and the length of the attribute, are not taken into account here.
  • len: number the length of the attribute's content.
  • buf: null | number[] buffer to be used to call * readUTF8, (int,char[]) readClass or readConst.
  • codeOff: number index of the first byte of code's attribute content in [ClassReader#b cr.b], or -1 if the attribute to be read is not a code attribute. The 6 attribute header bytes, containing the type and the length of the attribute, are not taken into account here.
  • labels: null | Label[] the labels of the method's code, or <tt>null</tt> if the attribute to be read is not a code attribute.

Return Type

  • Attribute

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:129


write(cw: ClassWriter, code: null | Uint8Array, len: number, maxStack: number, maxLocals: number): ByteVector

Returns the byte array form of this attribute.


  • cw: ClassWriter the class to which this attribute must be added. This parameter can be used to add to the constant pool of this class the items that corresponds to this attribute.
  • code: null | Uint8Array the bytecode of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or <tt>null</tt> if this attribute is not a code attributes.
  • len: number the length of the bytecode of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or <tt>null</tt> if this attribute is not a code attribute.
  • maxStack: number the maximum stack size of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or -1 if this attribute is not a code attribute.
  • maxLocals: number the maximum number of local variables of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or -1 if this attribute is not a code attribute.

Return Type

  • ByteVector

Defined in: packages/asm/libs/Attribute.ts:161