Interface InstallForgeOptions
The options to install forge.
🏷️ Properties
checkpointHandler optional
checkpointHandler: CheckpointHandler
The checkpoint handler to save & restore the download progress Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.checkpointHandler
Defined in: packages/file-transfer/download.ts:52
checksumValidatorResolver optional
checksumValidatorResolver: (checksum: ChecksumValidatorOptions) => Validator
Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.checksumValidatorResolver
Defined in: packages/installer/minecraft.ts:119
dispatcher optional
dispatcher: Dispatcher
The undici dispatcher Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.dispatcher
Defined in: packages/file-transfer/download.ts:48
handler optional
handler: (postProcessor: PostProcessor) => Promise<boolean>
Custom handlers to handle the post processor Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.handler
Defined in: packages/installer/profile.ts:72
headers optional
headers: Record<string, any>
The header of the request Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.headers
Defined in: packages/file-transfer/download.ts:40
inheritsFrom optional
inheritsFrom: string
When you want to install a version over another one.
Like, you want to install liteloader over a forge version. You should fill this with that forge version id. Inherited from: InstallOptions.inheritsFrom
Defined in: packages/installer/utils.ts:109
java optional
java: string
New forge (>=1.13) require java to install. Can be a executor or java executable path. Inherited from:
Defined in: packages/installer/profile.ts:79
librariesDownloadConcurrency optional
librariesDownloadConcurrency: number
Control how many libraries download task should run at the same time. It will override the maxConcurrencyOption
if this is presented.
This will be ignored if you have your own downloader assigned. Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.librariesDownloadConcurrency
Defined in: packages/installer/minecraft.ts:117
libraryHost optional
libraryHost: LibraryHost
A more flexiable way to control library download url. Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.libraryHost
Defined in: packages/installer/minecraft.ts:106
mavenHost optional
mavenHost: string | string[]
The alterative maven host to download library. It will try to use these host from the [0]
to the [maven.length - 1]
Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.mavenHost
Defined in: packages/installer/minecraft.ts:110
rangePolicy optional
rangePolicy: RangePolicy
The range policy to compute the ranges to download Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.rangePolicy
Defined in: packages/file-transfer/download.ts:44
side optional
side: "server" | "client"
The installation side
Defined in: packages/installer/forge.ts:144
skipHead optional
skipHead: boolean
Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.skipHead
Defined in: packages/file-transfer/download.ts:54
skipPrevalidate optional
skipPrevalidate: boolean
Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.skipPrevalidate
Defined in: packages/file-transfer/download.ts:58
skipRevalidate optional
skipRevalidate: boolean
Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.skipRevalidate
Defined in: packages/file-transfer/download.ts:56
spawn optional
spawn: (command: string, args?: readonly string[], options?: SpawnOptions) => ChildProcess
The spawn process function. Used for spawn the java process at the end.
By default, it will be the spawn function from "child_process" module. You can use this option to change the 3rd party spawn like cross-spawnInherited from: InstallProfileOption.spawn
Defined in: packages/installer/utils.ts:50
throwErrorImmediately optional
throwErrorImmediately: boolean
Inherited from: InstallProfileOption.throwErrorImmediately
Defined in: packages/installer/utils.ts:97
versionId optional
versionId: string
Override the newly installed version id.
If this is absent, the installed version id will be either generated or provided by installer. Inherited from: InstallOptions.versionId
Defined in: packages/installer/utils.ts:116