🚀 Features
- Add group option for installed mods (d82eb5d6f1e768eeccc2427e320f33c55fd10eea)
- Add tutorial for first time user (7d6685ecd03d14025d04f2bf842e2a57f90bb6ad)
- Re-work on resource search UX re-design (4a1404bb81fd51cb8b3b394bf71bd7877daa7585)
- Improve add instance UX (9d68bbc04a29a66835f8734577671a101e9515c0)
- Improve setup UX (391825cef7e2e9362d769beedac9da8b59610429)
- Add quick button to install mod (8a3816a29353b9812b965641996bb86fd808b5df)
- Add i18n modrinth pipeline (9e048c2ef664de469acb4763214e895a94f30e55)
- Support MMC parsing (28e394ae16862b502c891527de9c25fa225a8721)
- Add relaunch in tray to fast relaunch (3884798f984fada15a3db1f4b33e69a768ed31e8)
🐛 Bug Fixes & Patches
- The version list & selection is wrong in some corner cases (f0fe5c9fc90935d46386c684aa4423fd5e9df6e2)
- Should not fail to generate sdp due to the mapping failure (5c9e0b08c79da46c7e4bb1b945601b0469a620a4)
- Some files are not installed during modpack installation (667dd1c11836be5182b4a742e1c657a11d7c06b3)
- Cannot delete shader pack for modrinth (af165c52fe9e8092699b580ae622c3c28b8f2992)
- Wrong neoforge icon (3c868718d20e05365bfecee5ca9a6dcaadbeebc5)
- Cannot install neoforge for new minecraft (90fbf8b3a30ea3e7312a57ea31093f3d16478ee4)
- Focus when task and feedback dialog shown (c622015c146c864be40f6228266d470cac3688a2)
- Fix some tooltip and context menu behavior (c0783561f6102b3ae5c099dd03227942646c16a1)
- The modpack parse failed due to service isn't load (4297e32ffa894fbaf5eb31b019bb2ad2d611325f)
- The modrinth/curseforge project should select installed resource once selected (cac4daceafafff61e5d26632c639157acc002d4e)
- Instance access time should update after selection (ae30dcbc86634dba3b7d15dcd713a1748aa8e90e)
- Try to fix the wrong project detail loaded (ae6ca62fa30cce2f6360533baafba5085eeb8559)
- Flight and telemetry does not initialize (248192cabc161a460f7040e88a03eb3ba3b8f474)
- Prevent add resource failed due to the conflict (80bb151a20bfc6f2f43166d84b1ce006e5f27b86)
- Correctly parse xmaccyrillic logs (4df930bf61b9e9714190bdc3bef47a8c63983e76)
- Log does not backup after closed (700b2f001b2ff87501c831d73ed5bce903cb87d3)
🏗️ Refactors
- Improve focus view ux (9596e0277fdf7366a92cc2dd2324de026491234c)
- Refactor the diagnose flow (c6b658ee92cf31626c5cf79ee72794f5b703fdae)
- Upgrade the electron version and migrate icon mechanism (ab452ada59124c2ca945b67b2bcfe5584e591c37)
- Capture NatService initialize error (a2739672ed15352969cec2052ee266d323267db6)
- Reduce max socket to 64 by default (7d556c8cd5d51b5211205e7b26bf9989ddd00b4a)